Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, location and exotic items (8/14/15)

FINALLY the Gjallarhorn returns!

Xur, Destiny's mysterious weekend vendor, has been on a roll latetly! Last week he brought the Last Word and now he shows up with the Gjallarhorn! This week Xur can be found in the Hangar Bar, located in the Tower.

Destiny players know that the Gjallarhorn is a very exotic weapon which deals an extensive amount of damage. The last time Xur sold the gun was back back when the game first launched. If you've yet to purchase the Gjallarhorn, this might be the weekend to pick it up.

Check out the gear down below:

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Currency Cost
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Helmet 127 Discipline SC 13
Achlyophage Symbiote Hunter Helmet 125 Discipline SC 13
Light Beyond Nemesis Warlock Helmet 126 Strength SC 13
Gjallarhorn Rocket Launcher   SC 17
Exotic Shard Material   SC 7
Exotic Engram Gauntlet Engram   MoL 23


Name Type QTY Currency Cost
Auto Rifle Telemetry Consumable 5 SC 1
Hand Cannon Telemetry Consumable 5 SC 1
Machine Gun Telemetry Consumable 5 SC 1
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade 1 SC 23
"Emerald Coil" Vehicle Upgrade 1 SC 23
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 5 SC 1

Xur will remain in the Tower until Sunday, 5AM ET. 

In related enws, Xur will find a new way to troll us in The Taken King with the addition of a new item called "Three of Coins," which boosts your chances of having an Exotic item drop on the next boss you kill.