Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower Location and Exotic Gear (10/9/15-10/10/15)

PvP shopping

With the return of Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris on the horizon, Xur today returned to Destiny's Tower to give prospective competitors one last shot at beefing up their kit with an Exotic. Unfortunately, he’s once again left his Exotic weapons in his other robe, so it’s all armor this weekend. And even then, his latest inventory, which will be available through 5 a.m. Sunday, October 11, is slim-pickings. The PvP-minded will want to read our more detailed breakdown of his latest inventory, but you can view the items themselves below. To pick them up yourself, head to the right side of the Vanguard hall at the Tower.  





An Insurmountable Skullfort

Titan Helmet

51 Int / 46 Str

13 SC

Knucklehead Radar

Hunter Helmet

49 Int / 50 Disc

13 SC

Claws of Ahamkara

Warlock Gloves

63 Str

13 SC

Legacy Engram

Heavy Weapon Engram


31 SC

Exotic Engram

Gauntlet Engram


19 SC