Destiny: Xur, Agent of the Nine, Tower location and exotic items (6/26/15)

For those of you still playing Destiny, Xur is back!

For those of you still playing Destiny, and I realize after this week's craziness that may not be many, but Xur: Agent of the Nine is here for another week.

Xur, of course, is Destiny's mysterious vendor who pops up on the weekends in the Tower and Reef to sell you Exotic armor and weapons, as well as the Exotic Shards used to upgrade them. Just make sure you have enough Strange Coins and Motes of Light on you.

This week June 26, 2015 Xur can be located on the right side of the Warlock Vanguard table in the Tower.

You will hopefully be pleased to hear the Agent of Nine is selling Peregrine Greaves leg armor, Crest of Alpha Lupi and Heart of the Praxic Fire chest armor, as well as the Red Death pulse rifle. He also has the Exotic Shard and Engram. Xur shall remain there until Sunday June 28, 5am EST.

These are the prices for the exotic weapons this week:

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Currency Cost
Peregrine Greaves Titan Leg Armor 152 Intellect SC 13
Crest of Alpha Lupi Hunter Chest Armor 150 Strength SC 13
Heart of the Praxic Fire Warlock Chest Armor 144 Discipline SC 13
Red Death Pulse Rifle   SC 23
Exotic Shard Material   SC 7
Exotic Engram Helmet Engram   MoL 23

As a reminder, Xur no longer offers upgrades for gear you already own since House of Wolves introduced the new the Ascend system.

In related news, Bungie announced this week that content exclusive to Destiny: The Taken King's Collector's Edition will also be available separately for $20. So all is good again — well, not really.