Gun Toting and Butt-Kicking Bungie Software and Gathering of Developers today fired out more details on the weapons used by Konoko in Oni, the upcoming PC and Mac 3D action/adventure game that blends hand-to-hand combat and double-barreled gunplay in a detailed scale rarely seen in third-person action games. Konoko is the gun-toting, butt-kicking heroine who uses an arsenal to single-handedly conquer the evil Kage crime syndicate. Gathering of Developers and Bungie Software will continue to provide updates on Oni through the game’s ship date in January 2001. Remember to visit or for additional information. Oni’s Weapons Autopistol: The first weapon Konoko will carry. It fires standard ballistic rounds and, in its alternate submachine gun mode, can fire at a faster, less accurate rate. Mercury bow: One of the most visually appealing weapons in Oni, it fires a super cooled sliver of mercury that can pierce all but the most solid of objects. This weapon acts as the standard sniper rifle in Oni, and while ammunition is very limited, it is quite deadly. Plasma rifle: This weapon is a standard-issue rifle, and fires balls of energy at a relatively slow pace. Phase stream: It emits relatively harmless beams of energy disrupts you enemy’s incoming attack by forcing them to stagger and fall backward. Superball gun: This weapon clearly draws its inspirations from anime-like Macross and fires a swarm of swerving missiles that thread their way toward their target. Vandergraph pistol: This handheld pistol discharges a powerful bolt of electricity that can stun nearly any of the Tech Crimes Task Force soldiers you’ll run into, letting you either run away or attack them while they’re stunned. Screaming cannon: This massive rifle creates an energy field that tracks the nearest enemy and traps them for an indefinite amount of time. ### For More Product Information |