Deus Ex: Mankind Divided breach mode revealed, detailed in new gameplay trailer

A new mode within the base game

Eidos Montreal and Square Enix pre-E3 showcase had plenty of Deus Ex goodies, including a lengthy demo showing off new gameplay mechanics and the city hub. However, Eidos Montreal did manage to squeeze something brand new in the stream, besides the Deus Ex Go app.
The brand new mode, Breach was unveiled giving players an extra layer of gameplay. The game mode is described as a “connected puzzle shooter experience.” Players will be given certain challenges to complete and to compete against your friend's leaderboards. By playing the Breach mode, players will obtain things like XP, credits, and booster packs.
The trailer, which you can watch above, does a good job a giving player a glimpse into how the mode will look and how it's going to play. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided seems to be using its 6-month delay to their advantage which is exciting for fans of the franchise.
Desu Ex: Mankind Divided is set to launch this Summer on August 23 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.