Diablo 3 among top internet search terms for 2012

Be it for good or bad reasons, Google Zeitgeist shows that Blizzard's long-awaited PC sequel Diablo III ranks among the most searched terms on the internet for 2012. Worldwide, Diablo III was the fifth-most searched term in 2012, coming in behind only Whitney Houston at number one, Gangnam Style, Hurricane Sandy and iPad 3. Filling out the rest of the Top 10 is Kate Middleton, Olympics 2012, Amanda Todd, Michael Clarke Duncan and BBB12.

To get more specific, the top searched terms for video games in the United States was:

  1. Diablo 3
  2. Borderlands 2
  3. Mass Effect 3
  4. Halo 4
  5. Skyrim
  6. Black Ops 2
  7. Madden NFL 13
  8. Resident Evil 6
  9. WrestleMania XXVIII
  10. FIFA 13

I'm honestly surprised that League of Legends didn't make the top 10 search terms for the world. How could it not even be top 10 in the US? It's the world's most popular game! Very strange…

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com