One of Battlefield 4's most iconic moments at E3 was when we saw the giant skyscraper come toppling down. For most games, this type of spectacle would be merely visual; in Battlefield 4, it represents an entirely new "tactical element" to the game.
"It's not just a visual eye candy of the skyscraper going down," explained DICE GM Karl Magnus. "It's actually that the flag on top of it will actually land in the rubble pile beneath, and that might change the tide of the battle. So maybe you want to defend the skyscraper to make sure it doesn't come down."
"Hopefully this will become a tactical element between the teams that they are actually fighting for," he concluded.
Battlefield 4's concept of "Levolution" looks to change the whole world around the player, depending on how you play. It's more than just about the skyscraper coming down; it's the entire world reacting to what you do. For instance, running through a metal detector will make it go off, alerting enemies around you. In the E3 demo they also showed a portion of you destroying a pillar, making a road impassible. These type of game-changing elements will hopefully add a unique twist to the highly anticipated first-person shooter.