DICE wants your help creating a Battlefield 4 map

Give power to the players, as someone says.

DICE is taking the Square Enix Collective route, where you supply the ideas and they make it happen. The Battlefield 4 developers are working on a Community Map Project that will take ideas from Battlefield 4 Premium users and use them to create maps.

The plan is to start with a blank canvas and go through the typical development process that the developers go through and create a map for everyone. Thomas "Tompen" Andersson, creative director at DICE LA, explained the plan as taking a map from concept to final and releasing it. 

Let's be honest, you are in control now…Think of the options!

A map could be created that just trolls the players or a map that recreates a Call of Duty map! This is it! This is when we finally tailor Battlefield into what we want. Sure, we could be serious and create a large-scale map that requires skill to play, but why conform? The possibilities are endless!

So, if you're a Premium member head over to this site to get your ideas out there!