When Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars in 2012, it was clear they had big plans from the IP. They gave the rights for the games to EA, they announced a brand new trilogy, and they also revealed we'd be getting new Star Wars movies each year until Episode IX.
Of course, we all knew there'd be movies after that but it was unclear if they'd be standalone stories/spin-offs or if they'd attempt to begin a new trilogy somewhere else in the galaxy. We also didn't know how long they'd plan to keep this going, but it sounds as if it could go into the 2030s at the very least according to Disney CEO Bob Iger.
"We’re starting talk about what could happen after Episode IX. About what could be another decade-and-a-half of Star Wars stories.”
That's right, you're going to be getting a new Star Wars movie probably every single year until the 2030s and probably beyond. Back before Disney had Star Wars, you'd have to wait 2-3 years between movies and then decades for a new trilogy. Now, you'll be watching Star Wars until the day you die!
What Star Wars movies would you like to see Disney tackle over the next lifetime? Let us know in the comments below!
This year we'll get Star Wars: Episode VIII (AKA The Last Jedi) and then in 2018 we'll get an untitled young Han Solo spin-off. In 2019, Episode IX will release and then after that, it remains unclear what we'll see!