DmC Devil May Cry using same studio as Avatar

Buisness Weekly reports that the newest installment to the Devil May Cry franchise, DmC Devil May Cry, is using the same studio as the US top grossing film, Avatar, used.

The british publication also reports many of the same crew members who worked on the Avatar film are hard at work again on DmC Devil May Cry. Ninja Theory is hoping to provide fans of the series with a new level of believibility by improving facial expressions and body movement with a number of technological advances.

Dominic Matthews, Ninja Theory, said, "We have 60 markers on their faces alone, on their eyes, their eyebrows, their mouths, their noses, their lips and so on." The markers are used to specifically track even the most minute of facial expression and body movements of the numerous actors on the project.

DmC Devil May Cry is being developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. [Siliconera]