Doctor Who star lends voice to Xbox One’s Kinect Sports Rivals

David Tennant, better known by some as the tenth Docter in BBC's Doctor Who series, will be lending his voice to upcoming Xbox One game Kinect Sports Rivals. Tennant will serve as the game's narrator, talking players through the process of creating their Champion — a stylized, digital version of themselves.

“I’ve never done a video game before," Tennant admitted in a video interview posted to Xbox Wire. "This is a first for me."

"I don't know that I'm the person to come to for sporting tips," he joked. "My greatest sporting achievement personally is probably an egg and spoon race that I aced at some point in my childhood."

That's okay, David. I'm sure, as a doctor, you have some sort of access to HGH or something. Check out the full video interview below and look out for Kinect Sports Rivals for Xbox One on April 8.