Don’t call her Princess Leia anymore

Leia to be addressed as something else in The Force Awakens

30 years after Return of the Jedi, Leia Organa is ready to drop the "Princess." According to director J.J. Abrams, Leia will instead be referred to as "General" in the upcoming movie.

"She's referred to as Genera. But … there's a moment in the movie where a character sort of slips and calls her 'Princess,'" the director said in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. 

Abrams didn't reveal who, but I think we can make a pretty educated guess who that might be.

Han Solo

Of course, Han also refers to Leia with a number of other nicknames including "worshipfulness," which I think has a better ring than any of the others.

While the change in title can likely be attributed to Leia's personal growth as a character, becoming more of a leader in the year's following Return of the Jedi, I think we all know the real reason for the change — Disney already has enough princesses.