Don’t forget to visit Xur in Destiny this week

Last chance for this week's Exotics

Just a friendly reminder, Guardians, that today is the last day Xur will be accessible in the Tower until next weekend.

In case you're a bit confused, Bungie decided to extend Xur's visit in Destiny as a result of the DDoS attacks launched on PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE last week. With network services down for much of the weekend, players were unable to log in to Destiny and browse Xur's inventory for Exotic armor and weapons. So consider this your last reminder to log in and see what the mysterious vendor had to offer.

We understand that Xur has been hard to reach for a lot of you this weekend, so we’re going to extend his stay. Our current plan is to allow him to remain in the Tower with his current inventory until Monday night at 10pm PST, just before the weekly reset. We’ll also keep an eye on the overall situation, and prolong the extension, as needed, for as long as is feasible. 

Also remember, a recent update to Destiny changed the way you upgrade Exotic items. In addition to his weekly purchasable items, Xur now brings with him a random assortment of upgradeable Exotics.

Xur is expected to stay with his current inventory until 10:00pm PST tonight, Monday, December 29. He'll return next week with his refreshed inventory.