Don’t get your hopes up for the Dreamcast 2

Because it's a dirty lie!

Over the night, excitement over a supposed "Dreamcast 2" has appeared, mostly because of a website named "Project Dream" that features a countdown to a reveal. The site hints at a 'powerful next gen dream,' to be revealed on December 30th.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the SEGA Dreamcast is getting a sequel anytime soon. Doing some digging in the sites page source reveals that the video teasing this 'next gen dream' links back to a YouTube video titled 'DC Revival Petition.'

Moreover, the Facebook and Twitter page associated with the site (listed in the page source) are titled "Dreamcast HD Revival" and "DC Revival," respectively.

DC Rev

The Facebook page can be traced to yet another source, a petition that requests Sega to create an HD version of the original Sega Dreamcast that can play original Dreamcast games, as well as connect to the internet to digitally download Sega games.

No where in the source text is Sega mentioned and if you trace the domain ownership, Sega, once again, has nothing to do with the site.

Basically, this is a dressed up petition to make people feel like there is an official announcement coming. More than likely, timer will countdown to some type of crowdfunded product that will attempt to create an HD Dreamcast emulator.