The PlayStation Plus version of Evolution Studios' Driveclub will be exactly the same as the full retail version of the game, except that it "may be missing a few assets." Uhhhh… what? Exactly the same, but different? How so?
During a Q&A session recorded by PlayStationer, Evolution Studios explained that the Driveclub PS Plus Edition might not include "a few assets, such as cars or tracks, that will be found in the full version."
"However the online multiplayer, the asynchronous challenges and the single player campaign will all be present in the PS Plus version," they assured.
It'd be nice to know what Evolution Studios considers to be "a few," but I don't think I would mind a few missing cars or tracks as long as their absence doesn't severely hinder the enjoyment of the game. As long as I'm not stuck with two or three tracks and a couple of cars I'll be content — hey, it's a free game! And if you do decide you want the missing features, you can always buy "any/all of the content you want."
"You could download the PS Plus version and then decide that you want to convert this to the full digital version, then you can pay a sum of money and everything else will be delivered to you," they said. "The PS Plus version gives us to the biggest open community, day one. This game is all about socializing."
Between Driveclub PS Plus Edition, Don't Starve, Secret Ponchos, and Outlast, you should have quite a library of free games to keep you occupied when the PS4 first launches.