Duke Nuke Forever to Include Four Multiplayer Modes

Duke Nukem Forever will pack plenty of swearing, poo-tossing, and shooting action into its single-player campaign, but there will also be a fair amount of content for those who enjoy challenging other players. Official Xbox Magazine revealed the four modes of play that will be included in the upcoming shooter (out this May). They’re all pretty straightforward and typical for the genre, but they still feature that classic Duke Nukem style.

Dukematch and Team Dukematch are the usual deathmatch modes, while Hail to the King is this game’s iteration of the standard king of the hill mode seen in other first-person shooters. There will also be a variant of capture the flag known as Capture the Babe. This mode is the most unique because, while it still requires you to capture a “flag” (in this case, a babe), you’ll have to deal with a screaming woman as you try to take her back to your base.

In keeping with the series’ crude humor, gamers who capture the babe will be able to calm her down by slapping her when she starts getting out of hand. That’s a spin on capture the flag if I ever saw one. Admittedly, I find this element kind of comical, though it’s likely there will be plenty of criticism toward this aspect of the game from the more uptight breed of gamers.

If you want to take a gander at some screens from OXM featuring details on Duke Nukem Forever, be sure to check them out on duke4.net. Duke Nukem Forever will launch on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this May. We’ll know whether or not it’s good to be the king in a few short months.