E3 2016: PlayStation VR makes it debut on October 13, launches with 50 games

Hope you got yours pre-ordered

Sony's latest hardware device — PlayStation VR, has just received its official release date, the virtual reality headset is set to debut on October 13, 2016.
The headset will launch will launch with 50 games some of which we saw tonight including like Star Wars, Resident Evil 7, a new Batman Arkham series, Detriot: Become Human, and one of the biggest, Final Fantasy 15. PSVR will be priced at $399, making it the cheapest VR headset to purchase.
"For PlayStation VR games especially, the developer community has benefited from getting hands-on impressions" from gamers. There are now 'over 230' developers working on PSVR said Andrew House. "For what it's worth, PlayStation has hardly been the most open about its VR plans — it's been a lot more private than Oculus and Valve.
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