EA announced their second original title, Sea of Solitude

Game aiming for narrative and story

After EA announced its EA Originals program and their first game Fe earlier this year, they have now announced their second game Sea of Solitude. Developed by a small team from Berlin, Germany called Jo-Mei Games, Sea of Solitude is about a young girl named Kay with a currently untold story.

Kay quickly finds out that her most dangerous obstacle is not the enemies that are after her, but something very different and something very real. It's an emotional story according to EA President Patrick Soderlund, and is a "combination of beauty and rawness is unlike any game I’ve played before". 

It appears that Sea of Solitude is aiming for emotion and Games for Change type of category as it deals with both the humanity and narrative of people themselves. In the game, Kay herself is a monster who wishes to find a way to change back to being human. Creative Director Cornelia Geppert calls the game

“Sea of Solitude is by far the most artistic and personal project I’ve ever created. At times it is very challenging to dig that deep into your own feelings like core fears, longing and anger, but at the same time it is the most fulfilling thing to express those very feelings by putting it to people through art.”  

No word on when the game will release or on what platforms, but the images released so a vast color palette so far. We'll let you know more as we hear it. The video interview above is from January and features some more on the plot of the game with Geppert herself.

EA Blog and [official game site]


