EA: Future tablets capable of graphics similar to Xbox 360/PS3

Electronic Arts president Frank Gibeau believes the next wave of tablets and phones will have graphics similar to that of currenty-gen consoles. It's a fitting belief given the company's approach towards mobile, in which developers are working on Frostbite games for the iOS and Android.

“In the near future, the next wave of tablets and phones will have nearly Xbox 360 or PS3 capabilities in terms of graphics,” Gibeau told IGN. “Some of our engine technology that used to be console-specific now can, with modifications, be able to power games on tablets and on phones in the near future. We’re just getting ready for that.”

This doesn't mean we'll start to see Xbox 360 and PS3 games being ported over to tablets.

“You have to redesign the game,” Gibeau said. “You can’t just bring it over and have a virtual D-pad on the tablet. It doesn’t work. You have to re-architect it around touch, voice, camera.

"Our teams are having a lot of fun with that, reimagining an experience on a tablet using the same graphics and assets in some ways, but completely remixing the meal. Same ingredients, completely different meal. That’s kind of the way we think about it.”

It's not the graphics that kill tablet gaming for me, it's the control system. Virtual D-pads and touch-based controls just don't do it for me. Yes, it'll be nicer with upgraded visuals, but until companies can find a way to relpicate the controller-based console experience, without me having to carry an extra device around, I doubt I'll be doing serious tablet gaming.