Shortly after the NCAA announced it will not be renewing its contract with EA Sports, the publisher/developer conglomerate confirmed it will still continue to develop and publish college football games. The only different will be that future college football games will not include the NCAA names and marks. Uhhh… is that really a bad thing?
Here was EA's official response to the situation:
This is simple: EA SPORTS will continue to develop and publish college football games, but we will no longer include the NCAA names and marks. Our relationship with the Collegiate Licensing Company is strong and we are already working on a new game for next generation consoles which will launch next year and feature the college teams, conferences and all the innovation fans expect from EA SPORTS.
I don't care what the name is as long as I can make UCF a perennial champion. I'm sure College Football 15 will be just as good as NCAA Football 15.
"We took big creative strides with this year's college game and you’ll see much more in the future," EA Sports executive VP Andrew Wilson added. "We love college football and look forward to making more games for our fans."
Does NCAA's decision to not renew the license affect how you view the EA Sports college football franchise?