EA wins Worst Company in America 2012 award

There's a lot to be said when an industry giant wins The Consumerist's Worst Company in America award. This year, that honor goes to EA. Some individuals would argue that the company has made some questionable decisions, one of which is the sub-par digital download client Origin.

EA defeated Bank of America to receive its award in what can only be called a definitive victory. Over 250,000 votes were cast, and at the end of the day, EA won by 64 percent of the votes.

So what does the games publisher get as a result of being crowned the country's worst company? A nice statue. Well, if you consider a golden pile of poop nice, that is.

So, do you folks think EA deserved the Golden Poo award? I won't go as far as saying that the company is the absolute worst in the country, but I do have to admit that I was personally upset that EA didn't promote Shadows of the Damned more last summer.

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