The folks over at Frontier Developments have revealed that Elite: Dangerous will be getting a spinoff game, Elite: Dangerous Arena for the PC.
Elite: Dangerous Arena takes the proper game's first-person space dogfight filled Close Quarter Combat (CQC) PVP gameplay and makes it a standalone game. There are three eight-player game modes, four arenas and four ships to choose from.
Here's what the Close Quarter Combat mode features:
- ​Four combat-honed space ships. Choose from the fast and aggressive Federal and Imperial Fighters, the damage-dealing Eagle or the heavyweight Sidewinder.
- Multiple tactical options with custom loadouts unlocked by ranking up.
- Four Arenas: Elevate’s towering view, Cluster Compound’s mining facility,Asteria Point’s cavernous space station and Ice Field’s frozen asteroid belt.
- Eight-player Free for All, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag game modes.
- Elite Dangerous’ advanced simulation technology
Knowing how fun Elite: Dangerous' CQC gameplay is — it fells like it's worth the price tag of $7.49.