According to the “The Windows Blog” of Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoft will release Window 8 for consumers by October of this year. This also means that Windows 8 upgrades will be available at this time as well. Oh, in case you were wondering, Window 8 will be released in 109 languages across 231 markets around the world.
This started today with Windows Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Financial Officer Tami Reller spoke to partners around the world. Windows 8 will be released to manufactures the very first week in August. That’s only three weeks away, to put it into perspective. That’s soon.
One other little nugget of information Tami released is that Microsoft hit a milestone with Windows 7. With over 630 million Windows 7 licenses sold, this operating system is hand down the bestselling operation system in history. So kudos to Windows 7.
The moral of the story is that Windows 8 can be bought by consumers this October; the official wait is on… if that’s your thing.