By now, you should be familiar with "the cave" on Earth. For those of you who aren't, this area in Old Russia is a treasure trove for Rare and Legendary Engrams, and it's quite easy to farm. In fact, all you do is sit on a rock outside of the cave and mindlessly shoot inside at the rapidly spawning Acolytes. It literally requires nothing more than maybe some slight aiming and holding down the trigger. A monkey could probably do it.
The hardest part of farming this location is probably the time you may need to commit. But now, thanks to YouTuber VideoGameSophistry, we may have a solution to this "problem." Turns out, you don't actually have to shoot in the cave at all.
As explained in the video below, "the cave only registers any kills that happen if you're moving within the area." In other words, as long as your character is moving around near the cave you'll get credit for the kills, even if you don't shoot or hit anything. So, find a way to prop-up your controller and start spinning because now you can literally farm the cave without even playing the game. I think we've reached a new low.
Though I've yet to try this tactic, I'll admit that I've spent my fair share of time farming the cave. Unfortunately, as lady luck would have it, I've yet to actually get a Legendary drop. I find it to be more fun PvPing anyway, so I'll get my gear that way. For those of you who enjoy playing Destiny without actually playing, have fun with the new video.