Fez is half off on XBLA today

Developer Polytron took to the Twitterverse to announce that Fez will be half off on December 20. That's today for those of you who may be unaware and have never heard of a calendar.

Fez, originally priced at 800 Microsoft Points, will only run you 400 Microsoft Points all day today. That's just $4.99. Not too shabby, eh? Of course not! So if you haven't already, go play this amazing little puzzle-platformer.

If you need a little convincing, be sure to check out our review of Fez. Hint: We gave it 9.5 out of 10, so yeah, go buy this game. Or else! Just kidding! No "or else." Umm, please don't sue us.

Go play Fez.


Want to talk about indie games, Kirby, or cheap pizza? Follow me on Twitter @dr_davidsanchez.