Polytron has announced that it will bring back its previous Fez patch. That's the one that caused save corruption errors for a few players. The reason Polytron isn't just creating a new patch ultimately revolves around money.
In a blog post on the Polytron website, the details of the monetary issues were explained in detail: "We’re bringing the first FEZ patch online. It’s the same patch. We’re not going to patch the patch. Why not? Because Microsoft would charge us tens of thousands of dollars to re-certify the game."
Because the patch problems only affect less than one percent of players, Polytron doesn't think it would be a wise choice to shell out the cash for yet another patch. As it is, the current fix does address a bunch of bugs, so Polytron doesn't think paying up some major clams to fix one issue that affects such a small percentage of gamers is reasonable.
"It wasn’t an easy decision, but in the end, paying such a large sum of money to jump through so many hoops just doesn’t make any sense. We already owe Microsoft a LOT of money for the privilege of being on their platform. People often mistakenly believe that we got paid by Microsoft for being exclusive to their platform. Nothing could be further from the truth. WE pay THEM."
It's a shame that this is the case, and it looks like Microsoft is at it again. I have no idea why that company gives indie devs such a hard time, but alas, it looks like gamers will be the ones who get screwed, even if it is a small group of people.
There is some light at the end of the tunnel, though. As tweeted by Polytron, Xbox Live Arcade exclusivity for Fez will be up in just a few short months, which means the game will likely land on Steam, which in turn means: Yay! Bug fixes without any hassle!
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