Finally, PC gamers can experience what it’s like to play Destiny with loot cave simulator

PC gamers can finally experience what it's like to play Destiny, and understand the hype that comes from shooting at a dark cave for hours on end in hopes of getting loot.

It's been four days since Bungie mercilessly took away our precious farming spot in Destiny and the withdrawals are starting to settle in. Am I the only one getting the shakes?

Thankfully, cheeky developer Daniel Rosas has created an interactive tribute game that allows us to fulfill those cravings of shooting into a dark cave for the satisfaction of seeing those precious green, blue, and purple glows drop out. Sure, there are no actual enemies to shoot, but look at those pretty glowing orbs.

Ah, loot cave. How I miss thee. 

You can play the Interactive Cave Shooting Simulator for free here.