Find out how much time you’ll need to binge watch your favorite show right now

If TV had a /played, this would be it

It's the weekend and you know what that means! Endless hours of playing videos, right? Just kidding, we know the truth. You might have every intention of gaming all day – every day, but you will probably end up on the couch or bed streaming Netflix or a show that you 'borrowed from the Internet.'

It's ok, this is a judgement free zone (unless you watch Pretty Little Liars). Feel free to do whatever your heart desires, but before you do… You need to check out the how long your binge watching sessions will be. is essentially a calculator that will show you how long you will be invested into the series… If you were to watch it all day, every day. It's amazing, I pulled some random shows up just to see how it worked. It adds up every show you've ever watched, beginning to end.

You can prepare for the future or see how much time you have wasted.

Prepare your butts, you're going to be on them for a while (or have been on them a while).