First wing of Blackrock Foundry now open to the dirty casuals of World of Warcraft

I'm a dirty casual.

As long as you dirty casuals have an item level of 635 in World of Warcraft, you can finally get in on the first wing (of four) of Blackrock Foundry. Slagworks, first wing, will let you in on your choice of three bosses: Gruul, Oregorger and The Blast Furnace (AKA Foreman Feldspar).

What do you have to gain from fighting these first few bosses of the Blackrock Foundry raid? Gear (enough to get you into a real raid) and glory (enough glory to go to sleep at night). By they way, I'm kidding about the dirty casuals thing — as long as you're enjoying the game, that's what counts.

But if I find you camping Tarren Mill and killing lowbies, I will freak out.

The next wing, The Black Forge, will open in next week on February 24th. That wing will bring yet another three raid bosses to the table Hans’gar and Franzok, Flamebender Ka’graz, and Kromog. March 10th, will mark the opening of the third wing, Iron Assembly, which brings a trifecta of bosses: Beastlord Darmac, Operator Thogar, and The Iron Maidens. Finally, on March 24th the fourth wing, Blackhand's Crucible, will unlock and the last boss, Blackhand, will be up for battling.

Good luck weekend warriors.


Catch me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ