Five ex-Rare employees have banded together to create Flippin Pixels, an independent developer of mobile titles. The team admits that it's exploring a completely new field that's very unlike console game development, but it looks like these folks are up for the challenge. Flippin Pixels currently has a few projects in the works, though titles and detailed info are still under wraps.
The developer consists of Studio Director Steve Brand, Software Director James Ackroyd, Art Director Steven Hurst, Design Director Shaun Read, and Technical Director Gary Richards. The team collectively has 20 years of experience with games such as GoldenEye, Viva Pinata, Blast Corps, and Kinect Sports under its belt.
"It's a new challenge, we've all been very much in the traditional console space for years," stated Brand. These sentiments were echoed by Ackroyd, who expressed interest in learning to adapt to a new gaming space. "We have a lot to learn, but what we do bring is years of console experience and high quality execution," he explained.
Here's hoping these fine folks deliver some great content. Given their background, there's definitely potential for some truly awesome games. We'll have to keep an eye on these dudes and their future projects.
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