Fruit Ninja gets a Ghostbusters free update

Who ya gonna call?

Halfrick and Sony Pictures Consumer Products have teamed up to bring Ghostbusters into Fruit Ninja. That's a collaboration I never saw coming.

To celebrate the 30th anniverary of Ghostbusters, all versions of Fruit Ninja can now download a free update where players can slice with the Proton Pack. There's new artwork, music and ghostly fruit, as well the trap they use to capture the ghosts. Then, if you cross the streams by slicing an X, players can unleash a huge attack that destroyed all the fruit and more.

"Excuse me Egon, you said crossing the streams was bad."

"Cross the streams."

"You're gonna endanger us. You're gonna endanger our client, the nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog."

"Not necessarily. There's definitly a very slim chance we'll survive."

"I love this plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!"

So, go out, download the Ghostbusters update for Fruit Ninja, and cross the streams! The update is available now for free on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, as well as Google Play and Amazon App Store.