Fry and Laurie reunited again in LittleBigPlanet 3, oh and Nolan North too

You better click the link the Fry and Laurie skit

Hugh Laurie is already a comedian, a doctor and a musician (the link will bring you to his music), but now he can add the mischievous Newton to the list (and maybe voice actor for LittleBigPlanet 3, because that's where Newton is from).

The good news is that if anybody falls ill while developing LittleBigPlanet 3, all they have to do is hand Laurie painkillers and a cane. He'll be automatically transformed into Doctor House and everyone can watch it play out like this:

House in da house

There's even better news, while Laurie is playing as the villainous Newton (which is interesting in itself because Newton is a light bulb and Edison might've been a better name, because y'know – Edison lights) his comedic partner Stephen Fry is the narrator! Fry has been narrating the LittleBigPlanet games from the get go, in case you didn't know.

Joining Laurie is Nolan North, the guy that's been in a couple games you might have played – like maybe…Uncharted. All Media Molecule needs to do now is grab Troy Baker and shove him in somewhere in the game and the voice acting gods will reign glory down upon this game.

Check out Laurie in action as Newton below:

[PS Blog]

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