It appears the reception to the recent Terminator: Genisys has caused the entire future of the franchise to be put on hold "indefinitely."
In a recent article from The Hollywood Reporter, with a focus on the dangers of financiers-turned-creatives, the publication noted that even though Terminator: Genisys earned $440 million worldwide, the film — with a $150 million-plus budget — will probably still lose money. Sources now say "the notion of a Terminator universe is on hold indefinitely," the website claims.
Terminator: Genisys was planned as a the first of a series of Terminator projects comprising an entire "universe" for the franchise. There we plans for sequels and television shows. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you feel about the franchise lately), Terminator: Genisys tanked domestically and was slammed by critics. Fans of the franchise didn't seen to mind it too much, and even in our review we called it "the third-best Terminator film," which isn't horrible I suppose. Then again, the bar has been set quite low for the franchise.
Do you think it's finally time to put the Terminator franchise to sleep?