When they're not making games that feature super serious protagonists and super serious narratives, Ubisoft is also working on gorgeous 2D games through the UbiArt Framework. These games are also helping to boost morale at the company.
"UbiArt is really a great, creative, and morale-boosting piece of technology," the company said, "because it alows some of our creative teams to experimenet with ideas. It's not high-risk like a big AAA game would be."
One of those new risks is Valiant Hearts: The Great War, a 2D World War I game that focuses on the stories of various characters, all interconnected by a dog that better not die at the game's end.
Other games, such as Rayman Legends and Child of Light, also used UbiArt to great success.
"It's the indie side of our company. Some of thos things could become major franchises."