With more than 40 weapons available at launch, Games of Glory developer Lightbulb Crew unveiled three weapons that players will be able to equip in-game. Each of the weapons come with their own gameplay style and unique capacities.
Those three weapons are:
- The Cinetic Dual Barrel 10 (CDB10) – Extremely powerful, to the point of repelling foes several meters away, this sawed-off shotgun is the perfect ally for pushing the enemy toward traps, or even to stop the progression of a nosy player who has come too close to your base…
- The LAWBringer MK I – This rocket-launcher brings some serious power to a fight, starting with its longer range and the area of effect -damages caused by the explosion of its missiles. Ideal for an ambush or a team assault, the LAWBringer MK I will seriously make a dent in both the health and the morale of its opponents.
- Irisium Claws – These sharp blades possess such power and speed that they compensate for the risks taken by engaging close-combat. In addition to harming the enemy without a chance for quick regeneration, the Irisium Claws cause bleeding that deals continuous damage over time, ideal to finish off a fleeing enemy.
Games of Glory is a MOBA that features free-aim, Diablo-esque controls, and an FPS-like weapon swapping system. The type of weapon you use changes your combat style, and players can change their active weapon at any time in combat to change their playstyle and strategy, or even if you're out of ammo. You can read my hands-on preview of the game HERE.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. Or you can email him at LLiebl@GameZone.com.