GameStop Black Friday deals leaked

Much like the Steam Summer and Holiday Sale, Black Friday is a gamer's most anticipated day of the year. I guess it could apply to anyone really, but gaming deals generally don't get any better, than on that fateful day.

While we're still over a month away from Black Friday, we can already catch a glimpse at GameStop's deals which include some pretty significant discounts.

Some of the discounted games include:

Buy 1 Get 1 for Disney Infinity figures

Battlefield 4 for $29.99

Diablo III for $39.99

WWE 2K14 for $39.99

BioShock Infinite for $19.99

Splinter Cell: Blacklist for $24.99

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag for $39.99

Beyond Two Souls for $39.99

Here are all the pages so you can plan ahead!

Thanks to Gottadeal


GameStop Black Friday


GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday

GameStop Black Friday
