When Sony unveiled PlayStation Now, GameStop's stock tumbled by more than 9 percent, likely over fear that the newly announced service — which allows anyone to stream PSOne, PS2, and PS3 games to the PS4, Vita, and other mobile devices — would negatively impact GameStop's business. Whether or not the reaction was warranted, it was expected nonetheless. The same thing happened when initial rumors of the Xbox One's original used game policy began spreading.
Instead of hitting the panic button and preparing for the worst, GameStop is taking a more active approach. Speaking to Gamespot, a GameStop senior public relations director explained that the retailer is looking to work with Sony on incorporating PlayStation Now with its business structure, similar to how you can find PlayStation Plus memberships in-store.
"GameStop has built a $600MM digital business, with most of the digital games sold through our stores," the representative told the website.
"Similar to how we worked closely with our partner Sony to successfully sell the PlayStation Plus service, we are looking forward to working with them on including the new PlayStation Now service as part of our portfolio of gaming products we offer our customers."
Sony has yet to announce specific pricing details, though the service is expected to operate through individual rentals or a subscription separate from PlayStation Plus. Details should come soon though, as PlayStation Now is set to enter Beta later this month before a full rollout in the United States this summer.