Garruk, the mascot for Magic the Gathering’s 2015 Core Set, gets unveiled this Monday

Meet Garruk, a Planeswaker in Magic: the Gathering.

Garruk, the mascot for Magic the Gathering's 2015 Core Set, gets unveiled this Monday

This is his card from the 2014 Core Set. In 2015, however, he's going to be different. 

Very different.

We're going to find out what he exactly looks like come Monday.

The 2015 Core Set, as well as the 2015 version of Duels of the Planeswalker video game, will feature Garruk in the starring role. He's not the protagonist, however; Garruk has decided to hunt down and eliminate planeswalkers. 

Come Monday, we'll find out how he'll hunt down and eliminate our opponents on the table top when the Magic: the Gathering 2015 Core Set releases next month.

[Wizards of the Coast]