Epic Games had a nice little surprise for Gears of War: Judgment Players today. The first DLC pack and Title update is dropping a few days early! It was normally scheduled to hit Xbox LIVE on April 2.
Tomorrow, Friday, March 29, players will be able to download the free DLC which includes a new multiplayer map called "Haven" and the fan-favorite "Execution" mode. Haven is described as a frozen, ancient monastery in the Azura mountains, featuring an asymmetrical, circular layout with all paths leading to the center. In Execution, the objective of each team is to kill all members of the enemy team before the time limit runs out.
Epic notes that you must download the DLC pack directly from the Xbox 360 dashboard or add it to your download queue via Xbox.com since the in-game download prompt is not functioning properly.
As for the accompanying title update, below are the full patch notes:
- Various dedicated server improvements.
- Players no longer get stuck in the main menu background after playing three random matches.
- Locusts no longer spawn at the second E-Hole on the first wave of Island.
- Players will no longer get stuck inside of a Boom Shield that has been planted by an enemy player.
- Players will no longer able to look down the scope with a Markza while holding a Meat Shield.
- If a Locust destroys an objective at the same time the timer runs out in OverRun using Mercy rules, the match will not end early.
- Fix for exclamation points not disappearing after viewing an unlocked character.
- While holding a Meat Shield you will only need to tap B to melee.
- The Meat Shield will now drop if you switch to the snub.
- The “Spray and Pray” ribbon can now be earned in the first round.
- If the Boom Shield is disabled in weapon swap you will no longer see the icon in Tac-Com.
- You will now earn the Team Savior ribbon for reviving three individual teammates in a single life.
- Players can no longer chainsaw another player while holding the Boom Shield.
- Improvements to the Hammer of Dawn targeting.
- You will now see XP tallies between matches.