Gears of War Ultimate Edition available today on PC

Bust up Locust in 4K

Gears of War Ultimate Edition is available now on PC according to an announcement by Microsoft. It's available for purchase now for $29.99 and includes a number of changes.

Cam McRae, the game's Technical Director, spoke on Xbox Wire about some of these changes they made. “One of our goals with the PC version was ‘don’t touch the art.’ But beyond that,” McRae said, “we changed everything.” The game has been optomized to run at 4K resolutions on PC as well as maintain a steady 60 FPS framerate, of course. According to McRae, they changed everything from shadows, lighting, rendering etc in order to have the game run as perfectly as it can. The Coalition is working to implement DirectX 12’s Multiadapter feature, which allows systems to recruit resources from multiple GPUs to bolster an application’s performance. Think: multi-GPU technologies like NVIDIA’s SLI or AMD CrossFire, but without the need for matching video cards. It won’t be supported when Ultimate Edition release for PC, but McRae assured us that his team is working to make it a reality.

Gears of War Ultimate Edition is available beginning today on PC and can be ordered here. The beta for Gears of War 4 will be available later this month for anyone who has already played the Ultimate Edition on Xbox One. Gears of war 4 is scheduled to release this holiday season

[Xbox Wire]