Paramount Pictures recently gave us our first look at Scarlett Johansson in her role as the Major in the live-action Ghost in the Shell adaptation. The picture divided the community, some were cautious over the film and others were wondering why they hadn't hired an Asian actor for the film.
According to sources close to ScreenCrush, Paramount Pictures used visual effects to alter Johansson's face in post-production to "shift her ethnicity" from Caucasian to Asian. Apparently, the idea was "immediately" rejected once tests were reviewed.
When asked whether or not visual effects were used to change alter a characters racial appearance, specifically Johansson's by ScreenCrush, Paramount Pictures acknowledged that they had tested the effect, but not on Johansson:
"A test was done related to a specific scene for a background actor which was ultimately discarded. Absolutely no visual effects tests were conducted on Scarlett’s character and we have no future plans to do so."
A summation of this very short statement is yes, Paramount tested the effects to alter ethnicity in some way. No, it wasn't on Johansson.
The tests either came out looking bad or they decided that it felt racist.