Yesterday started their massive Summer Sale that features over 1,000 discounted games. What's also cool is that the classic RPG-Shooter, System Shock 2 is free for the first 48 hours of the sale. In order to claim your copy, you must download the GOG Galaxy client and click the claim button on the front page.
The Homeworld Remastered Collection also debuts on after releasing on Steam back in February of 2015 and comes with a 50% discount to boot.
You can also earn XP points by checking every day, participating in activities and buying games that can be used towards unlocking a number of free games. The free games on tap are Spelunky, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition, and Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass.
New deals are going to be added every 24 hours, and some of the more notable ones currently available are The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt at 50% off and a Star Wars Bundle that includes X-Wing, TIE Fighter and Rogue Squadron.
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