What do you do when your son, who happens to be a huge Halo fan, is recovering from an intense liver transplant surgery? Well, you do what this father did. Reddit user fiscal_ reached out for some contact info for Bungie, the original team behind the Halo series. After a liver transplant surgery, fiscal_ just wanted to put a smile on his son's face and cheer him up a bit. The outcome should earn him a "Father of the Year" award.
While recovering at Seattle Children's Hospital, his son was visited by Christine from Bungie Studios. After receiving an awesome card from the Bungie team members, Christine had a special gift for him. While it wasn't the replica assault rifle that he wanted for Christmas, his son Tanner was given a replica of Carter's helmet from Halo: Reach. If you don't tear up a little when you see Tanner wearing the helmet, then you might not have a soul. Sporting a few new Halo t-shirts, fiscal_ reported that Tanner was a different child after Christine's visit.
It's stories like this that should be reported on the news. With recent events having video games under the microscope for violence, it's easy to forget all the wonderful memories they make. Tanner plays Halo with his mom and dad, giving them family time. And his dad even said that "He likes the idea of Halo more than playing Halo. His interest has transcended the games, he would rather battle it out with his Halo action figures, anyway. The Spartan storyline just gets his imagination going, it's wonderful."
Meanwhile, fiscal_'s reddit post received 1,625 downvotes, which means there's 1,625 people that deserve a swift kick in the a**. You can see the pictures of Bungie's visit HERE. From one father to another, good job fiscal_, and the GameZone staff would like to wish Tanner a quick recovery.
Faith in humanity restored.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com