GTA 5: Rockstar Editor coming to Xbox One and PS4

Next-gen gamers set to reap the rewards

Next-gen gamers will receive another installment of free content this summer as GTA V on Xbox One and PS4 will receive PC version's Rockstar Editor.

This brand new update comes as exicting news for many console gamers as Rockstar Editor has certainly improved the PC experience since it's release. The Editor's arrival to console has been officially confirmed however Rockstar insist that the tool will require a significant amount of processing power, therefore it will not be compatible with Xbox 360 and PS3. 

It is widely expected that this Editor update will come in alongside the highly anticipated Ill Gotten Games content, which is set for release sometime next week. 

Rockstar has also announced that they plan to have The Lab radio station running on all four consoles sometime in the near future. However, the self radio feature on GTA V PC will not be coming to consoles any time soon. 

"The GTAV PC Self Radio experience that plays your personally curated playlist of mp3s in the game as a fully featured and properly integrated radio station just wouldn’t technically be possible on the consoles as it requires more than the consoles allow at this time" a Rockstar statement explained.
