I know many of you were hoping to have the $500,000 already in your digital pockets by now, but it seems the promised GTA$ Stimulus Package for GTA Online — the multiplayer portion of Grand Theft Auto 5 — will "hopefully" arrive before the end of next week.
Rockstar first announced the Stimulus Package in early October, as a way to make it up to players for the issues that plagued the launch of GTA Online. However, the studio refused to actually release it until all of the bugs regarding loss of progress issues were fixed.
With the next title update (1.05) finally addressing player progress loss issues and expected early next week, Rockstar has finally put a timeframe on the Stimulus.
"Following that, we hope to deliver everyone’s GTA$ Stimulus Package before the end of next week," Rockstar wrote in an update. "A big thank you to GTA Online players worldwide for your continued patience and understanding and we will continue to keep you all updated."
For those in desperate need of some cash, there is an exploit that currently works in the 1.04 version of GTA Online. While this very well could be fixed in the 1.05 update, it at least works for now. So if you need some quick cash, head here.