GZ News Update 11/6/13: Microsoft gets crazy generous and Infinity Ward’s cutting corners

Welcome fellow video game enthusiasts to GameZone's News Update. Want the latest breaking news, delivered in a quick, easy to digest way? Then look no further, and enjoy these latest headlines from the day.

Sony invites you to the 'PS4 All Access: Greatness Awaits' launch event

On November 15th, we'll take our first steps into the next-generation of gaming as Sony launches the PlayStation 4. To celebrate the occasion, Sony and Spike TV will be hosting a "PS4 All Access: Greatness Awaits" launch event.

Microsoft giving away Xbox One's Killer Instinct with all characters unlocked to loyal customers

No, that email you received from Xbox@engage.xbox.com promising you a free Xbox One and a crap ton of games is not a scam.

Some Xbox account owners are reporting receiving an email stating they've been given a free Xbox One, 12 months of Xbox LIVE Gold, 12 months of Xbox Music, Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5,and Zoo Tycoon for free.  Yes, for free.

Call of Duty: Ghosts uses the exact same scene from Modern Warfare 2

If you loved Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, I have some good news for you: you're going to love Call of Duty: Ghosts. The two games are so alike thatGhosts features the exact same cut-scene from Modern Warfare 2, just re-skinned.