Sony Online Entertainment has released a new H1Z1 dev spotlight featuring art director Bill Yeatts. So what's the first thing you ask the art director of a game that we've seen plenty of, but still isn't in early access? Is the art we're seeing final?
"That's kind of a tricky question," Yeatts said. "I think we've got stuff that's probably never going to change. We have stuff that's definitely going to change. And then we have things that we may change."
"But we're not against changing anything in the game," he added. "Nothing is set in stone."
Although Yeatts is referring to the art H1Z1​, I think the same principle can be applied to just about any aspect of the game. As a soon to be Early Access game, SOE will likely listen to the feedback provided by fans and make tweaks accordingly. In fact, the developer has already begun to do so, starting with what fans have said from hands-on sessions at events like SOE Live and PAX Prime.
I don't necessarily have a problem with the overall art design of H1Z1 as much as I do with the actual rigging. H1Z1 is clearly in an early stage, and as such, there's a lot of awkward movement glitches that I hope will be fixed prior to the game's actual launch.
Check out the full dev spotlight below in which Bill Yeatts answers more of your art questions.