Half-Life 1 Got a Patch After 19 Years

Sorry guys, it fixed 5 bugs, not 3. Put those conspiracies away.

The legend itself, Half-Life, has received a patch today. It has been 19 years since the game launched in 1998. But what did it add?

It didn't add much, but the patch did fix a few crashes. What this shows is that Valve has pride in their work, fixing a game that's nearly two decades old that already had a stellar reputation. 

Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, the number of bullet points in the patch notes equals five, not three. So no arrows pointing to Half-Life 3… Unless, of course, you take the number of years, 19, which is almost 20, take away the zero and you get 2.

x + 2 = 5.

x = 3

Half-Life 3 Confirmed!

Okay, maybe not. But here's the patch notes:

  • Fixed crash when entering certain malformed strings into the game console.
  • Fixed crash when loading a specially crafted malformed BSP file.
  • Fixed malformed SAV files allowing arbitrary files to be written into the game folder.
  • Fixed a crash when quickly changing weapons that are consumable.
  • Fixed crash when setting custom decals.