Halo: The Master Chief Collection matchmaking update delayed

At least there's a playlist update incoming.

Since the launch of Halo: The Master Chief Collection there have been plenty of issues with the matchmaking experience. Enough issues that 343 Industries' head and founder, Bonnie Ross, took to the forums to apologize.

The issues that the game has faced have become the main focus of the game and so have the fixes. In January Halo: The Master Chief Collection got an update to help with matchmaking, stability, the game's UI and more. Days before the update The Master Chief Collection saw a Playlist update.

343 Industries has informed the community of their every move with updates and have been using player feedback from various social sites to shape the game updates. In a recent blog post, the developer talks a bit about some of the upcoming content updates. 

In short, Halo: The Master Chief Collection will continue to have updates that improve the overall gameplay experience. The next update will have three major focal points; matchmaking search time (hit-registration), match search success, lobby/party functionality. This update will require additional testing time, as it will bring the biggest change to matchmaking since the game's launch. Xbox One Preview Program members will be able to preview the update when it is available. 

This update should be hitting all systems this month.

To tide you over to the update's release, Team Snipers and an object-only playlist will be hitting the game, as well as the Halo 2: Anniversary Rumble playlist transitioning into a cross-game Rumble-Pit playlist.

Team Doubles will launch when matchmaking issues have been resolved.

[343 Industries]