HBO just spoiled Game of Thrones’ biggest mystery with Jon Snow

And confirmed the death of another character

We're well out of spoiler range for Game of Thrones Season 5, but just in case… this article does have spoilers. Obviously.

So the Season 5 finale ended with the apparent death of Jon Snow. I say "apparent" death because since the fade to black, there has been plenty of speculation surrounding the fate of the fan-favorite character. Is he dead? Will he be revived by the Red Witch? Will he become a Warg? 

Nobody really knows for certain the fate of Jon Snow — not even the show's cast members — but thanks to an email from HBO advertising a toy and merchandise sale "In Memoriam: Fallen Fan Favorites" we now know (maybe) the answer. You see, the sale lumps together a bunch of toys, clothing, and chachkies dedicated to Game of Thrones characters that have died. Guess who's missing from the sale. Jon. Snow.


The list is pretty comprehensive, featuring items for Eddard Stark, Tywin Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Oberyn, Khal Drogo, and the Hound, among plenty of others that have been killed off on the show.  So it's pretty telling that Jon Snow is missing. I don't think anyone really believes Jon Snow was killed, but this pretty much confirms our suspicions. The question is, will he return in Season 6? We already confirmed the return of one fan favorite next season; Jon Snow would be icing on the cake.

As a side note, there's a Shield Pin available for Stannis Baratheon, whose death in Season 5 also had some controversy around it since it was never actually shown. Assuming this Memorium Sale is legit, Stannis can officially be confirmed as dead.
